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#help you everytime FAQs

Go to our main navigation bar, browse items by category, and select the items you want to buy. After finalising your choice(s) go for checkout, and select your shipping methods and payment options. Once you have made the payment your checkout will be complete.

We process one shipping address per order. If you would like to ship to different addresses you could consider placing separate orders and making payments for them separately.

Please allow up to 5 days for delivery after your order is confirmed. We will not be able to deliver to lockdown areas.

We ship to your address (within Bangladesh) via courier services from our warehouse in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Once you check out, a courier service will automatically be assigned to your order based on the shipping address you have provided

Unfortunately at the moment we are unable to help you change your shipping address after you have placed an order.

Currently we are unable to ship products outside of Bangladesh.